Terminology of Encouragement your people with medical and health factors

Terminology of Encouragement your people with medical and health factors

Proverbs 18: 21 states, aˆ?the tongue has the ability of life and death, and people who love it will consume their fruit.aˆ? This demonstrably stress the significance of confessing Godaˆ™s keyword over all of our problems. Some people might be suffering from problems or own loved family with medical conditions. Don’t get discouraged my buddy. Confess these passages from the handbook now and then. Itaˆ™s safer to create all of them on paper and record those to their mirror each morning, cabinet, workplace table, etc. Keep confessing them in a positive way.

Psalm 91:1-6

aˆ?the guy that dwells when you look at the trick host to more High shall abide in the shade of the Almighty. I’ll declare for the LORD, aˆ?she is my own retreat and my favorite fortress; My own God, in Him I will faith.aˆ?More